Past Life Regression Therapy. Life Between Lives Regression

So often we look for answers outside ourselves, many people today look to psychics, tarot readers or mediums for the answers, these can help. However, we are looking outside of ourselves, when in fact all answers are within. A Life Between Lives session can help you to claim your own power by connecting with your guides and higher self, tapping into your inner wisdom and immortal soul memory.
Experiencing your own permanent soul identity and the realms in which your soul resides can assist in answering the fundamental questions…
“Who Am I?” “
Why Am I Here Now?”
“Why did I chose this body?”
“What is my life purpose”.
The Life Between Lives Regression (or Bardo State Work) is particularly helpful with:
- Connecting to spiritual guides, resolving relationships with those living or in spirit, especially the unborn.
- Discovering or reviewing this life’s purpose.
- Addressing or changing a variety of intense decisions (vows, oaths, agreements, covenants, judgments) that can be currently holding you back from achieving abundance in your present life health, wealth, achievement, intuition, leadership, power and relationships.
- Assisting the terminally ill or overcoming a Current fear of death.
An LBL regression can be a life transforming experience and can be helpful in discovering your life mission, purpose and understand your existence from a soul perspective and offers a sweeping view of the overall soul’s journey and lineage.
Today Spiritual Regression is being increasingly recognised as a powerful and relatively brief alternative to psychotherapy and psychology for people seeking self-understanding, empowerment, healing of problems, phobias or for those who have need of comfort in grieving.
Lorna Jackson has trained extensively in Healing Regression Therapies over the past 16 years and she holds Diplomas in Clinical Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy.
Lorna has chosen to specialise in regression therapy and has trained with some of the pioneers in this healing field which include Dee Chips, Dr Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon, The Roger Woolger Institute. She has undergone training in Life Between Lives Therapy by Dee Chips, NATH (National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists) and The Newton Institute USA.
She has also been a training assistant to Dee Chips for N.A.T.H’s Life Between Lives Regression in North Carolina, USA, 2016 and TNI (The Newton Institute) as a training assistant for Life Between Lives Regression in Melbourne, Australia in 2010. She was the first Certified Life Between Lives Therapist practicing in the Brisbane area. Having facilitated over 1000 clients through Past Life and Life Between Lives regression sessions over the last 10 years she is highly qualified in this field.
Spiritual Regression Therapy which includes Past Life Regression and Regression to the interlife has been developed over the last forty years by a variety of professional psychologists, psychiatrists and hypnotherapists, including Dr Joel Whitton, Allen & Dee Chips, Michael Newton, Dr Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon and Richard Sutphen, which has lead to an explosive interest throughout the world.
Lorna is devoted to to enlightening people about their true spiritual and immortal soul nature through a transpersonal, metaphysical approach.
Lorna’s clients have found a deeper understanding of life and their own ability to totally transform their lives, and more fully understand the very nature, purpose and journey of the soul, bringing about a wonderful meaning to their lives. They can help you release energetic blocks, physical traumas, fears, phobias which may be from the past that are holding you back, either mentally, physically and spiritually in your current life.
For more information about Life Between Lives and its history you can read more in the LBL section. Take a look at the testimonial page to read some detailed cases of clients experiences.
The Ten Rules for Being Human
You will receive a body.
2. You will be presented with lessons.
3. There are no mistakes, only lessons.
4. Lessons are repeated until learned.
5. Learning does not end.
6. There is no better than “here”.
7. Others are only mirrors of you.
8. What you make of your life is up to you.
9. All the answers lie inside of you.
10.You will forget all of this at birth. (we can help you to remember)